09 Cadillac CTS937-902-4152 Ford & Chevy V8 motorsLooking for cement mixer740-360-2036 Springfield M-1 Grand WWII firearmJohn Deere XR-75 32″ riding mower w/ bagger2x 235-75-16 tires and rimsLooking for Jack Russell puppy937-901-4883 Flywheel and 12″ clutch and pressure plate for small block ChevyCarborators for Ford 8N or 9N tractorLooking for 8ft truck topper for 2014 Chevy… Read more »
Posts By: Daniel Mullins
Wednesday, July 10th
Craftsman 18″ chainsawBench grinderBridgestone 26″ ladies bikeWatches937-478-0960 Looking for 2x 205-55-16 tiresValve grinder937-986-7027 EZ-Adjust bedrailRiding mower seat3-piece luggage set2x riding mower decks513-805-8862 2x youth bicycles937-831-2913 Smaller fridge5-piece luggage set937-241-1452 2x 16ft laddersVarious hand tools2003 GMC Sonoma614-966-2674 3x roller conveyer rampsVitnage corn-shelling crankVarious tires937-882-1201 Seasoned split hardwoodRocks and bouldersSkids (wooden and plastic)Telephone poles937-609-5865
Tuesday, July 9th
Whirlpool side-by-side refrigerator/freezer w/ ice maker937-364-3800 5×10 utility trailerInternational 444 utility trailer937-231-3066 97 GMC Z-71 4WD2010 Chevy Equinox937-902-4152 6x long gunsVarious ammo937-524-7313 Looking for 67-68 Firebird parts937-703-2307 Australian shepherd puppies513-616-4283 Brown leather extra wide lift chair w/ heat and massage937-698-3826 Looking for free weights937-272-0317 12x wicker-style privacy panels w/ posts513-320-0621 Looking for lumber937-301-7612 Looking for… Read more »
Monday, July 8th
Washer and dryerCraftsman 22″ 4WD self-propelled mower8ft folding ladder937-451-1957 Toro Time Cutter 34″ zero-turn mower w/ baggerTroybilt 21″ self-propelled mower937-671-9654 Looking for someone to clean, paint and repair roof of out buildingLooking to buy goldfish and coyfish to stock decorative pond937-382-7271 Kenmore washerPro-Form Crosswalk elliptical/treadmill937-206-1002 CB radios937-322-0193 Leather truck seat for Dodge RAM1938 bicycleArtist supplies… Read more »
Friday, July 5th
H&R 12 gauge shotgun937-272-0317 Vintage 9-piece cherry formal dining room suit937-545-5990 Springfield M-1 Grand2x riding lawnmowers235-70-16 tires & rims937-901-4883 2x guitars5-string banjo937-586-8000 Dining room tablePotteryLongaberger basketsTools937-302-0281 2x maple barstools513-235-1761 DryerBicyclesHitch carrier937-882-1201
Wednesday, July 3rd
5’x10′ utility trailerInt. 444 utility tractor w/ scraper blade937-231-3066 Yard Machine 20″ push mower937-623-2118 ToolsChainsawsCamper03 Cadillac DeVille937-725-3460 55 gallon barrels937-610-6536 Callaway Big Bertha golf clubsPower toolsFurnaceCarpet stretcher937-302-0281 2020 X-Motos mini-dirtbike937-733-8750 car Show @ Milton Athletic Club8/3, 10-2937-241-4537 Looking for someone to restore 1950’s Hohner harmonica937-474-4189 2x new Uncle Henry fixed blade knives w/ sheathsnew Uncle… Read more »
Tuesday, July 2nd
3x swords w/ leather sheaths937-364-3800 ChainsawsWeldersCadillaccamper937-725-3460 Looking for affordable, reliable pickup truckLooking for PFD/life vest937-306-8214 3x window A/C units55″ flatscreen TVAppliances513-897-8071 Bar-style table w/ 2x barstoolsTanning bed w/ 40x bottles of tanning lotion77 Corvette Stingray (trade for RV)Looking for junk740-463-8651 3-panel therapy lightBedside lift937-366-8041 Exercise bikeLooking for 4366-SC sprocket for older manure spreader937-422-9616 6x sheets… Read more »
Monday, July 1st
07 Cadillac CTSBlue 6ft sofa937-902-4152 Oval-shaped wooden coffee tablePush mowerMotorsports helmetHanging curio cabinet513-805-8862 TV standVHS tapes and DVD’s4-wheeled seated walker513-435-2352 Lewisburg Farmers MarketMondays, 5-7PM @ High SchoolFresh eggsFresh meatBaked goodsPlants & flowers937-839-1009 24hp overhead valve from go-cart937-831-2913 Yard Machine 20″ push mower937-623-2118 Smaller Honda riding mowerSmaller John Deere RX-75 riding mower w/ baggerSpringfield M1-Grant937-901-4883 Outdoor… Read more »
Friday, June 28th
FurnitureWall hangingsKnick knacksMartin guitars937-760-9652 Looking for small camping trailer937-459-0643937-670-4715 Chest of drawersFull size box spring937-294-2350 99 GMC Jimmy (as is)937-422-7384 Guild GAD-50 guitarWechter USA guitarSamick SB-4 5-string banjo937-586-8000 2005 Hyundai Santa Fe937-301-7612 Honda riding mowerJohn Deere RX-75 riding mower w/ bagsM1-Grant 30 ought 6 WWII rifle937-901-4883 Telephone polesFirewoodSkids (wooden and plastic)937-609-5865 Long guns and ammo937-524-7314
Thursday, June 27th
Looking for 650 2-barrel carborator for 91 GMC C-1500 Silverado513-448-6759 2x Gibson banjosGibson dobro937-746-8047 1983 Honda 750 motorcycle937-414-5002 Samick SB-4 5-string banjoGuild GAD-50 guitarWechter USA guitar937-586-8000 FurnitureTurkish paintings937-618-0107 Looking for chest freezer937-725-5140 Rocking horseGraco baby penCrocksDog cages513-562-7126 Exercise spin bikeFrog Tog wadersBig fixed blade knives w/ sheathsAttachments for Singer sewing machines- FREE937-751-0964 25-30x pieces of… Read more »